Thursday, 30 May 2013

Leaving the UK - planning for Tax

If you are leaving the UK, perhaps to work abroad or to escape for a new life in the sun, there are some important tax matters to plan for.

The timing of your departure from the UK and arrival in the destination country can have a significant effect on your tax position in each country, and can provide planning possibilities regarding the timing of asset disposals and income receipts.

New tax residence rules from 6 April this year are designed to correct the lack of clarity under the previous rules.  The new rules use several automatic tests to determine your residence status, which should make it easier to plan your number of visits to the UK to avoid remaining UK-resident.  For example, you will be regarded as automatically non-resident if you are present in the UK for not more than a maximum number of days in the tax year; the maximum depending on whether you have been resident in any of the three tax years before you left, and on whether you have gone to work full-time abroad. 

The rules also prescribe situations where you are automatically UK-resident in a tax year.  In other cases your residence status is determined according to the number of ties you keep with the UK such as family, accommodation, work and whether you were UK-resident in either of the two previous tax years.

Matters such as dual residence may also need to be considered if you become resident in the destination country while also remaining UK-resident.  In this case the matter can usually be decided for double tax treaty purposes under special rules in the treaty between the two countries, assuming there is one.

Inheritance tax should not be overlooked, since if you are UK-domiciled you remain subject to UK IHT regardless of where you are resident, whereas other countries may charge IHT according to residence.

Proper advice should therefore be obtained both in the UK and the destination country.

01932 830664

How to fund a start-up business

Watch the video with Client Service Director - Erin Walls:  How to fund a start-up business

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

docSAFE update

Ward Williams provide a free communications portal to all of our clients. This secure area is called docSAFE and provides a secure online place where you can upload and even access any business documents from anywhere in the world via our website. It is invaluable for sharing sensitive information and working on business documents remotely or in conjunction with us. You can use this as the very best way to exchange files with us.

The Key Benefits:
  • Secure, encrypted personal storage area with your own individual login and password 24/7 client access 
  • Retrieve all documents – including large files that are too big to email
  • Download large files such as SAGE backups 
  • Your own personal folder within your ‘login’ area where you can store sensitive information such as financial documents, lease documents etc 
  •  It is tried and tested - used by hundreds of accountancy firms across the UK
  • Smart Phone app available

All we ask is that you keep us advised of your current email address.
Many of our clients are now using this service.  If you wish to be included for such a service please contact us and register your interest.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

New funding for SMEs in Berkshire to support plans for growth

SMEs in Berkshire with high growth aspirations now have another source of funds to consider to help them deliver their plans. The Thames Valley Berkshire Funding Escalator has been established by Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership with £7.25m available across three complementary Loan Schemes. The Funding Escalator is managed by The FSE Group.

The Funding Escalator aims to help businesses whose growth plans are being hampered by lack of funding. This might be because they have insufficient track record, require additional funds to complement existing loans, or need support beyond typical bank parameters.

Launched at the beginning of February, loans have already been approved for two businesses:
  • A company that creates and publishes music for corporate and media clients, looking to expand its services in the UK and abroad, requiring additional staff to deliver its plans.
  • A well established business that provides sophisticated video conferencing services, needing funding to secure IP and enhance its offering, to support rapid sales growth.
The Funding Escalator has three elements:
  •  The TVB Commercialisation Loan Scheme, providing loans of £25k to £50k to early stage businesses that have generated some sales and require funds to invest in market development activities to establish market presence.
  •  The TVB Expansion Loan Scheme, providing loans between £50k to £200k to established companies that have been trading for at least 12 months and generated sales of £250k+ pa. Finance will be required to invest in expansion and scaling up activities that will deliver substantial growth.
  •  The TVB Growth Loan Scheme, providing loans of £50k to £150k, alongside matched equity investment, to high growth businesses with strong IP.
In each case businesses will need to demonstrate compelling commercial potential based on sustainable competitive advantage which will create job opportunities in the Berkshire region.

After completing a short pre-application, businesses that the Funding Escalator may be able to help will be invited to submit a full application and business plan. Ward Williams will be happy to discuss assisting companies to ensure their business plan provides the best chance of success.

The Pre-application form is available at together with details of the Loan Schemes.

The FSE Group provides growth finance to ambitious businesses. The organisation has a strong track record of achieving significant results through relatively small investments and currently has £30m of assets under management. An economic impact study found the companies that FSE invested in grew almost five times faster than the national average.

For more information, visit or email

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Tax Planning for UK businesses trading in the USA

Typically your business may start by selling from the UK direct to your US customer.  As your US market expands, you may have an increasing need to establish your own marketing or sales operation in the USA.  At this point it becomes important to consider the most tax-efficient structure to maximise the return to the UK corporate or individual investor.

A simple structure would be to operate through a US branch of a UK company, which would be subject to US corporate tax on the US profits at federal and state level in a similar way to a US company.  The US branch profits would be subject to UK corporation tax as part of the UK Company’s total profits, with double tax relief given for the US tax, unless the UK company makes an election to exempt the foreign branch from UK corporation tax.  An alternative structure would be to operate through a US subsidiary company.  This could be a regular type of US corporation taxed in the USA at corporate level, or could be a US Limited Liability Company (LLC) which is taxed in the USA in a similar way to a partnership whilst providing limited liability protection.

There are many tax areas to consider in any cross-border structure, such as transfer pricing rules in the UK and USA, and use of tax benefits available under the UK/US double tax treaty.  It is important to find a good local tax advisor in the USA to help navigate through the complexities of US federal and state taxes, and for there to be good co-ordination of the tax planning with the UK advisor who should drive the advice for the UK investors.

Ward Williams, Chartered Accountants
01932 830664
Offices locations:  Weybridge · Uxbridge · Sunninghill · London · Bracknell