Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Ward Williams participates in ICAEW’s Business Advice Service!

Ward Williams Chartered Accountants have signed up to participate in the ICAEW Business Advice Service (known as BAS).

ICAEW firms who participate in the Business Advice Service are able to offer SMEs and start-ups an initial meeting at no charge to discuss their business needs. After the initial meeting, SME can decide whether to continue. Under the ICAEW Business Advice Service, it would be made clear that no financial commitment is made by the SME in the first instance. ICAEW believes this will encourage SMEs and start-ups to seek support from ICAEW Chartered Accountants rather than resorting to unqualified alternatives.

Firms participating in the service are identified on icaewfirms.co.uk with the 'BAS' symbol (above). This allows users of the site to easily identify which firms are participating in the service.

ICAEW is launching a campaign about its new Business Advice Service to promote the use of ICAEW Chartered Accountants to businesses

Please visit http://www.wardwilliams.co.uk/ for more information.

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