Monday, 14 May 2012

George Expects!

The Chancellor recently set out his ‘expectations’ from HMRC for the current financial year, with the emphasis on increasing revenues, tackling non-compliance and increasing efficiency and customer service.

The priority areas targeted by the Chancellor are set out below.

Improving tax collection and reducing the tax gap

HMRC is expected to secure ‘additional’ revenue in 2012/13 of at least £17bn.  Of this, £917m invested in efficiency savings under the Spending Review should secure £4bn by tackling tax avoidance, evasion and criminal activity.

Delivering cost reductions

In recognition of the need to reduce public spending, HMRC has committed to achieving efficiency savings of 25% by 2014/15, through their ‘comprehensive cross-departmental workforce strategy’.

Improving Services for Customers

HMRC has taken on board the Government’s proposals to make the tax system as straightforward as possible and generally improving the service to taxpayers.  The much improved internal PAYE computer system has aided HMRC’s strategy of bringing taxpayers affairs up to date however, it has been stressed that all outstanding cases are to be cleared by April 2013.  HMRC is encouraged to continue its proposal to improve online services, which includes the implementation of the ‘One Click’ programme for businesses.

Real Time Information

HMRC is on course to deliver RTI in 2013, which is crucial to the introduction of ‘Universal Credit’.   HMRC has been given targets to reduce tax credit errors and fraud, and to work closely with the DWP in recovering tax credit debts.

Tax Policy

Budget 2012 provided a large number of tax changes that need to be implemented in the coming year.  HMRC has been reminded of the important role it plays in designing and delivering tax policy changes.

Can Lin Homer, the new Chief Executive of HM Revenue & Customs, live up to George’s high expectations?  Only time will tell!

For further information/advice on this topic please visit


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