Monday, 24 September 2012

Pension Law Reform - Auto Enrolment

The London Olympics has finally come and gone. Pension auto enrolment follows hot on its heels and comes into force on 1 October 2012.  

The date by which employers must comply with the auto enrolment regulations is called the ‘staging date’. Staging dates are being phased in over the next 5½ years. The largest employers are leading the way with a staging date of 1 October 2012, followed by medium-sized employers and finally small and micro employers.

All ‘eligible jobholders’ must be auto enrolled no later than 3 months after the staging date.

Why auto enrolment?

The government is on a mission to make sure employees have access to a workplace pension. However, unlike Stakeholder pensions, employer pension contributions will be compulsory under this new legislation, which is designed to encourage a retirement savings culture in the UK.


The government has introduced a scale of fines for employers who fail to meet their staging dates, or fail to comply with their auto enrolment obligations. Dependent upon the size of employer and extent of non-compliance, these fines could be as much as £10,000 a day.

Furthermore, whilst employees will be permitted to ‘opt out’ of auto enrolment, there will also be heavy fines for employers found guilty of inducing employees to ‘opt out’.

So it is clear to see that the government means business this time and is fully committed to seeing auto enrolment become a success.

The Workforce

As well as identifying your ‘eligible jobholders’, you will also need to identify your ‘non-eligible jobholders’ and ‘entitled workers’. All three categories of worker will need to be informed of their different pension rights.

Non-eligible jobholders and entitled workers will have to be continually monitored to make sure they are auto enrolled as and when they become eligible jobholders...

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