Friday, 23 March 2012

The Final Countdown - is your business ready for the London Olympic Games?

As the Olympic Games approach touching distance can your business afford to be under prepared?

For almost 7 years, businesses have had time to prepare themselves for the extra potential business coming through the country in the next 6 months.  However according to a recent survey only 2/3rds of companies expect there to be any extra business activity during the games with a further 36% of businesses surveyed believing that they are behind in their preparations.

History tells us that businesses in other host cities such as Sydney, Beijing and Vancouver have found that they themselves were under prepared for the influx of trade and in doing so have missed a huge potential to make more money. With a time span of 29 days spanning 6 weeks, the games are not just a flash in the pan.

We at Ward Williams would encourage businesses that it is not too late to start creating plans to be able to properly assess the likely changes in demand, and start putting plans into action to account for this. With an estimated 10.8 million people - and certainly not all English speaking - likely to be flooding into the country, it is essential for businesses to think of creative customer interaction and marketing.  The Games also represent a fantastic opportunity to all businesses with overseas customers.

Another factor for businesses to consider is the potential for extra staff and transport issues for those in and around Olympic venues, especially if it has the potential to disrupt the flow of supplies.  40% of surveyed businesses estimated that staff unavailability would cause disruption with a further 18% believing that there will be a disruption to the supply line.

With so much potential for businesses in the upcoming months ahead, this once in a lifetime event should not be seen as a potential hazard to any business, but as an amazing opportunity to be creative internally and externally to push the business forward.

The key to all this is preparation. Please
click here to see how Ward Williams can assist with the related HR issues.

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